TAKEDA Tokimasa and HIRAOKA Ryuji ed., “Special Issue: East‒West Contacts and Scientific Culture in Early Modern East Asia”, Historia scientiarum 29, no. 1 (September 2019): pp. 1-135. [日本科学史学会欧文誌の近世東アジア科学史特集号。収録論文5篇]
HIRAOKA Ryuji, “Deciphering Aristotle with Chinese Medical Cosmology: Nanban Unkiron and the Reception of Jesuit Cosmology in 17th-Century Nagasaki” in Bill Mak and Eric Huntington (eds.), Overlapping cosmologies in Asia. (accepted) (査読あり)
HIRAOKA Ryuji, “Jesuits and Western Clock in Japan’s ‘Christian Century’ (1549-c.1650)”, Journal of Jesuit Studies 7, no. 2. (in printing) (査読あり)
平岡隆二・クリストファーカレン「ジュネーブ天儀:17 世紀日本の天文模型」、『洋学:洋学史学会研究年報』第26号、2019年5月、49-78頁。(査読あり)
Christopher Cullen and HIRAOKA Ryuji, "The Geneva Sphere: An Astronomical Model from 17th Century Japan", Technology and Culture 60, no. 1 (January 2019): 219-251. (査読あり)
HIRAOKA Ryuji, "The Crossroad of Jap. Sin. Missions: Historical Materials in Nagasaki," Guest lecture in the "Nagasaki Historical Tour: A Prelude to the International Workshop" by an invitation from the Ricci Institute, University of San Francisco, at Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture, 2019 Sep. 28. (招待発表)
HIRAOKA Ryuji, "The historiography of the Jesuits and Western science in Japan," 15th International Conference on the Histoy of Science in East Asia 2019, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 2019 Aug 21.
HIRAOKA Ryuji, "Cosmological Interests in 17th Century China and Japan: The Case of You Yi 游藝’s Tianjing huowen 天経或問", International conference: Science, Western Learning and Confucianism -Commemorating the 390th Anniversary of the Compilation of the Chongzheng-Reign Treatises on Calendrical Astronomy-, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2019 April 30. (招待発表)
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