

A growing bibliography of what has been written on Sufera no nukigaki スヘラの抜書

last updated: 2024.3.27

<primary sources>

Sufera no nukigaki スヘラの抜書. Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 7.5 Aug. 4°, ff. 318r‒423v (the corresponding digital images are numbered 765‒850). The digital images are available on libraryʼs website: http://diglib.hab.de/mss/7-5-aug-4f/start.htm.

<secondary materials>

Osterkamp, Sven. 2020. “A Rediscovery in the Herzog August Bibliothek. The Wolfenbüttel Manuscript of the Jesuit Compendia of Philosophy, Theology and Cosmology in Japanese Translation.” HABlog. Accessible at https://www.hab.de/en/a-rediscovery-in-the-herzog-august-bibliothek/.

平岡隆二. 2022. 「東西コスモロジーの出会いとキリシタン文献」、岸本恵実・白井純編『キリシタン語学入門』八木書店、2022年、39-40頁。

ノイツラ・ゾフィー(Neutzler [Takahashi], Sophie). 2022. 「日本イエズス会Compendiaの新出写本とその表記」、第397回日本近代語研究会2022年度秋季発表大会口頭発表、https://www.academia.edu/103043398

Osterkamp, Sven. 2023. “The Textual History of the Jesuit Compendia in Latin and Japanese as seen from the Newly Identified Manuscript at Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.” Historia scientiarum 32-2 (2023), pp. 63‒87.

Hiraoka, Ryuji. 2023. “The discovery and significance of Sufera no nukigaki (Selection on the sphere), a Jesuit cosmology textbook in Japanese translation.” Historia Scientiarum 32‒2 (2023), pp. 88‒116.

Kishimoto, Emi. 2023. "Stairway to the Stars: Jesuit Training and the Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Japonicum (1595)." in Lachaud, François and Bussotti, Michela eds. Mastering Languages, Taming the World: The Production and Circulation of European Dictionaries and Lexicons of Asian Languages (16th–19th Centuries). EFEO: 2023, pp. 61-76.

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